14 Tips for Self Care in a Pandemic

Via - Kerry Washington’s Instagram

Via - Kerry Washington’s Instagram


I found these two memes the other day that made me laugh/cry it resonated so hard. (Loved the series Little Fires Everywhere so, of course, I was even more thrilled to see Kerry Washington and Reece Witherspoon post it) It resonated hard. The slow deterioration of a year we felt so much promise in. Well let’s be honest, depending on your personality type, every year has a ton of promise on January 1st. But this one, leaving the teens and entering a new decade, felt extra special. Heading into the roarin’ ’20s, millennial edition, felt like the stars were predicting some sort of ethereal greatness. The promise of a new decade, in reality, slammed us with the most uncertainty our world has seen in almost a century.

As we’ve made our way through this perilous year, we’re starting to gain understanding and insight into a new rhythm of life. A rhythm of life we never asked for but are here nonetheless. So we ask ourselves, how do we navigate these new challenges we are faced with? Whether it’s staying at home with young kids, the loss of a job, or the sting of loneliness during quarantine. It may sound too simple, but I think the age-old idea of ‘self-care’ could really help.

For a 21st century ‘life on the go’ mindset, the entire idea of slowing down is romantic but extremely hard. But if you unpack the meaning of self-care, it doesn’t just benefit you, it benefits those around you as well. As the saying goes, you have to love yourself before you can love others. You have to tend to and care for yourself in order to tend to and care for your loved ones. And because this pandemic has hit every corner of the world and all walks of life, there isn’t one formula for what that looks like. If you are a parent juggling working from home and keeping your kids alive, you might need to just lock yourself in the pantry for a few minutes to take a couple of deep breaths and quick meditation. There’s no right or wrong way, what matters is that you feel your energy levels rejuvenated and your tank full.

Here are just a few tips I hope will spark the journey of self-care in whatever stage of life you may in.

  • Get an adult coloring book

    • I’m not sure why we ever put our coloring books down as kids. Adult coloring books are so cathartic. But make sure your first adult coloring book is simple. Getting one with intricate designs (unless that sounds appealing to you) can just increase the stress. “How do I stay in THESE lines?!”

  • Go for a long walk

    • I’m thankful to live in a beautiful neighborhood but it wasn’t always like that. When I lived in the heart of West Hollywood, I would drive myself out of the city to a pretty neighborhood and walk there.

  • Put on a face mask

    • We’re talking about the face mask for your skin this time, not the one to cover your nose and mouth :) If you’re in the LA area, HK Cosmetics sells facemasks for $1 a mask that I’ve used for years and loved. Or there’s always homemade masks!

  • Write a list of what makes you happy

    • I did this after a heartbreaking time in life and it was deeply satisfying. I wrote out 40 things that make me happy and I would write about each one daily. Freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, fire pits, summer barbecues, a long bath, fresh highlights. etc.

  • Invest in skincare

    • There’s nothing like investing in your skin to feel cared for and it doesn’t always have to break the bank. Check back next week for a blog post on my list of inexpensive skincare products.

  • Take a long bath

    • If you don’t have a bath, a long hot shower with some exfoliation and body wash can do the soul wonders. If you have a bathtub, get your favorite bubble bath and make some fancy cucumber lemon water and pour it in a wine glass. Luxury and safety. (Nobody needs to get drunk in the bathtub!)

  • Put a record on and listen to music ( Or this Spotify Playlist)

    • Sip a little wine or some hot tea and put on a record. Whatever relaxes you and takes you to a sweeter time.

  • Refill your water frequently

    • Or invest in a hydro flask. I have seriously never consumed as much water as I do now that I have one. Otherwise, just keep refilling to hydrate. It’s incredible the energy and stability water gives your body.

  • Do some baking

  • Paint your nails

  • Create a bedtime and set some calming routines in the morning and evening

    • Setting a concrete bedtime and including some calming routines in the evening and the morning create a consistency that is so sorely lacking right now in our current circumstances. Get that skincare routine going and a moment of stillness with your morning cup of coffee.

  • Buy a new loungewear set

    • I know this could be seen as a splurge for some of us, but if you can swing it, do it. Indulge with some soft and cozy to wear.

  • Eat something green

    • Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables! It’s easy to carb load and stuff our faces with whatever comfort food we can find. If you need a night of that, go for it. But getting a balanced diet with lots of greens involved will most definitely lift your mood.

  • Sit in stillness

    • It can be scary for some and a must for others, but sitting in stillness is deeply rejuvenating. If it’s something you’re scared of, try doing it for just 5 minutes and increase your time slowly. Clear your head and just enjoy a moment of gratitude and rest.

September might very well look just as bleak as July and even August, and that’s ok. Be gentle with yourself and know that it’s been a helluva year but we’re all in this together. So take a bath at 2 pm with some cucumber water. Drive to a pretty area of your city and go for a long walk. If it’s what you need, do it.

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